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New Bishop for Wa Ordained

Most Rev. Francis Bomansaan, M.Afr. was on Friday, August 2, 2024 consecrated and installed the fifth Bishop of the Wa Diocese at the Wa Sports Stadium by Most Rev. Philip Naameh, Archbishop of Tamale, assisted by Most Rev. Paul Bemile, Emeritus Bishop of Wa, and the Most Rev. Matthew Gyamfi, President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference (GCBC).

The Mass was presided over by His Eminence Peter Cardinal Appiah Turkson, President of the Academy of Sciences at the Vatican and concelebrated by members of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference and many Priests from and outside the Diocese.

Cardinal Turkson prayed that God would grant the new Bishop wisdom to be able to shepherd his flock. He also urged the people of Wa to always pray for their Bishop.

The homilist, Most Rev. Peter Paul Ankgyier, Bishop of Damongo Diocese asked the new Bishop to be there for everybody and not allow a group of people to hijack him. He also urged him to be the voice of the voiceless, to be for the poor and for justice.

He called on the faithful especially the Priests of the Diocese to respect their Bishop and to co-operate with him because it is not the people who choose a leader but God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

He urged the Priests, Consecrated Men and Women and the lay faithful to work with the Bishop, co-operate with him, respect him and help him keep up the good work of his predecessors.

The Most Rev. Matthew Gyamfi, President of the GCBC, in a Goodwill message congratulated Bishop Bomansaan and pledged their unflinching support for him and his Episcopate.

He said the GCBC was confident that he would make an invaluable contribution to the Conference and bring new insights to its work and its discussions, assuring him of the Conference’s support as he begins the learning process of a Bishop.

“As your senior brothers in the episcopacy, we are confident that you will lead the people of God with wisdom, compassion and unwavering faith,” he stated, adding that “We are particularly eager to collaborate with you in addressing the challenges and opportunities facing our Church at this time in our country’s life.”

Rev. Father Stanley Lubungo, M.Afr, Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), observed that the appointment of Most Rev. Bomansaan was a testament to his unwavering dedication, deep faith and exemplary leadership within the Society of Missionaries of Africa and in the Church. 

“Your pastoral wisdom, humility and vision have been a source of inspiration to me, to our General Council and to many, and I have no doubt that you will shepherd the faithful of Wa Diocese with the same passion and love”, he said.

Bishop Bomansaan thanked the Priests, faithful and the entire Catholic community for the love shown him since his appointment by Pope Francis.“You have shown me love and I promise you, I accepted this appointment out of obedience and service to you in the Diocese. And I want to say, I give you my whole heart, (and) my whole being as far as I can to my capacity and ability,” he stated.

Pope Francis appointed Bishop Bomansaan as the new Bishop of Wa Diocese on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. He succeeds Cardinal Richard Kuuia Baawobr who died after a short illness in Rome on November 27, 2022.

Until his appointment, he was the Vice Superior General, Generalate of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), Rome, Italy.

Born on January 19, 1962 at Kaleo in the Wa Diocese, the Bishop was ordained into the Priesthood on May 27, 1991.

He has since his ordination held a number of positions including in Charge- Bethany Centre (Recovery Centre for Priests and Religious- coming out of addictions and other challenges in Ministry) – 2021-2022; Novice Master/Rector – International English-Speaking Novitiate, Kasama, Zambia – 2012-2019; Provincial Superior- Ghana/Nigeria Province, Tamale, Ghana – 2005-2011; Formator/ Bursar, St. Edward’s College/Missionaries of Africa Theologate, London, United Kingdom – 2004-2005; Vocation Director for Missionaries of Africa in Ghana & First Councillor to the Provincial Superior for Ghana/Nigeria, Tamale, Ghana – 1999- 2003; Missionary/Vocation Animation/Formator, Missionaries of Africa Formation House, Lublin, Poland – 1995-1998 and Curate, Itumba Parish, Mbeya archdiocese, Tanzania – 1991-1993.

Some courses and studies he has undergone including Psycho- Spirituality Counselling/Accompaniment of Addicts- Institute for Sexuality Studies- Chicago, USA – 2019-2020; Psycho-Spirituality- Institute for Sexual Studies, Chicago, USA – 2011-2012; Spirituality and Accompanying Ignatian Retreats- 8 days and 30 days/ Spiritual Accompaniment/Direction-Rainhill Jesuits Centre/lnstitute, Rainllill, Liverpool, United Kingdom – 2003- 2004; Religious Formation Ministry/ Leadership [Formators (Loreto I louse, Irish Missionaries Union) Dublin, Ireland – 1998-1999; Counselling/PsychoIogy- St Anselm Institute, Margate, England, United Kingdom – 1994-1995 and Theology- Missionary Institute, London, United Kingdom (Affiliated to the University of Leuven) – 1988-1991.

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