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Archbishop Jagodziński, Bridging Diplomacy with Faith

Ghana last week bade farewell to the Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana, the Most Rev. Henryk
Mieczyslaw Jagodzinski after reassignment to South Africa by the Holy Father, Pope Francis.
The Catholic Standard dedicates its editorial column this week in tribute to him for his dedicated
service in Ghana.
The Most Rev. Jagodzinski arrived in Ghana on September 8, 2020, to begin duty as the ninth
Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana succeeding the Most Rev. Jean Marie Speich. During his almost
four-year duty in Ghana, Archbishop Jagodziński endeared himself to all who encountered him
either in the diplomatic circles or among the Clergy and the Lay Faithful in Ghana, through his
humility and affability.
As the Envoy of the Holy Father, Archbishop Jagodziński met with the President of the Republic
of Ghana, government officials, Regional Ministers, institutional Heads, as well as religious
leaders, including the Chief Imam of Ghana. Through these personal encounters, a solid bond
has come to be established and nurtured between Christians and Muslims. The Catholic Standard
cannot agree more with the testimony of the President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’
Conference, when he said that Archbishop Jagodzinski served as a true beacon of spiritual
stewardship and exhibited diplomatic finesse that has nurtured enduring ties between the Holy
See and our local Church communities and beyond.
The Apostolic Nuncio also honoured several invitations to all the dioceses in Ghana, making him
to traverse the length and breadth of the entire country. Throughout his visitations, he
encountered and interacted with the Clergy, the youth, adults and several persons, imparting
Papal blessings on them. His tenure in Ghana has been marked with profound spiritual insights
that have guided the Catholic Church through her challenges and triumphs, fostering dialogue,
cooperation, and mutual respect among diverse religious and societal groups.
His leadership has not only enriched both the Episcopal and the Ecclesiastical landscape of
Ghana, but also deeply touched countless lives with faith and hope. One such notable
achievement is his efforts to promote interfaith dialogue and understanding. Recognising
Ghana’s diverse religious landscape, Archbishop Jagodziński engaged extensively with
communities and cultures across Ghana, participating in significant national events that
accentuate the Vatican’s commitment to solidarity and collaboration with Ghanaian authorities
and religious leaders across board.
Beyond his official duties, Archbishop Jagodziński won the hearts of all who had the privilege of
meeting with him. His kindness, humility and genuine concern for every person he encounters
left a lasting impression. In this way, he helped to radiate the love of Christ, whether in formal or
informal gatherings. He truly embodies the reality of servant leadership; he has distinguished
himself as an Apostolic Nuncio of exemplary dedication.
Unknown to many, Archbishop Jagodziński has proven to be a prolific author, having written
four books to his credit. These are: Ghana, Paradise Country; Notes from Ghana; Akwaaba in

Ghana Means Welcome (all in Polish) and the fourth: Ghana in My Heart (in English). The latter
over 800-page book, embodying his rich sermons and homilies and official talks at formal
occasions, was launched at the Christ the King Parish Hall, Accra on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
As he prepares to embark on the next chapter of his diplomatic service to the Republic of South
Africa with accreditation to Botswana, Etswatini, Lesotho and Namibia, his legacy as a bridge-
builder and an advocate of peace will continue to resonate for years to come in our country –
Ghana. Many are those who, we dare say, will miss him.
We of The Catholic Standard forever will cherish him for the invaluable support – financially and
morally. He has demonstrably been a very true friend of this Paper.
May the Good Lord bless and protect him in his Apostolic endeavours.

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