Leadership: Critical for Today’s Society (2)
By Sir Fosuaba Mensah Banahene
In Scripture, God Himself calls us to leadership. In his Infinite Goodness, God has not willed to Himself the exercise of all power; He has graciously allowed His people to exercise some residual power to manage His will here on earth.
This phenomenon which the Church refers to as “autonomy of earthly affairs” consequently engenders group dynamics and that in turn naturally results in some of the people taking up “leading” roles. Leadership is widely recognized as an indispensable element in social engineering and all other human endeavours. John C. Maxwell, a renowned Christian Writer, is of the view that “everything rises and falls on leadership ……the leadership of any group or oganisation will determine its success or failure”.
For someone to pursue a leadership role in a group, personal dispositions ought to be consciously cultivated. Six of such dispositions are: ambition, respect of human dignity, ability to leave the “pub”, character, courage and competence.