Welcome, Cardinal Bertello

The Board, Management and Staff of the Standard Newspapers and Magazines (SNAM) Ltd., publishers of The Catholic Standard, welcome Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, Special Papal Envoy to the 40th Anniversary celebration of Diplomatic Relations between Ghana and the Holy See.
He will also represent Pope Francis at the celebration of the 60th Independence Anniversary of Ghana on March 6.
Cardinal Bertello arrived in the country on Thursday March 2. He presided over an Ecumenical and Inter-Faith Prayer Service during which Ghana was reconsecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at the Holy Spirit Cathedral, Accra, on Saturday, March 4, 2017.
Cardinal Bertello is the President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State and President of the Governorate of Vatican City State. He served as Nuncio to Ghana from 1987 to 1991.
In March 1995, John Paul II appointed him to the post of Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations in Geneva from 1997, with the same role at the World Trade Organization. Upon his appointment Bertello negotiated the ingress of the Holy See as permanent observer, in the World Trade Organization, becoming its first representative.
He was one of the Cardinal electors who participated in the 2013 Papal Conclave that elected Pope Francis. On April 13, 2013, he was appointed to a group of Cardinals established by Pope Francis to advise him and to study a plan for restructuring the Roman Curia. AKWAABA